Портабельный mplayer (Linux)

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Портабельный mplayer (Linux)

Сообщение coyot.rush » 07.12.2010 00:12:12

скачал вот такую интересную вещь http://portablelinuxapps.org/ MPlayer_r31042. Хотел его использовать для прослушивания радио в составе xelplayer9series. Только MPlayer собран без поддержки радио :(
Собрал из снапшота MPlayer
Код: Выделить всё
./configure  --enable-radio --enable-radio-capture
Радио заработало. Решил обновить сборку. Примонтировал
Код: Выделить всё
mount /home/soft/mplayer/MPlayer_r31042  /mnt/MPlayer_r31042 -o loop
. Скопировал в домашнюю папку содержимое /mnt/MPlayer_r31042 заменил MPlayer на свой. Собрал с помощью AppImageAssistant 0.9
Все равно говорит что ревизия 31042 у меня MPlayer SVN-r32675-snapshot-4.4.3 :?:
Вот дока
Код: Выделить всё
AppImageKit Documentation
Describes the AppImage file format and AppImageKit tools
Version 1.0
Copyright © 2005-10 Simon Peter
Table of Contents
Motivation .........................................................................................................................
Format overview ................................................................................................................
The AppImageKit ...............................................................................................................
Creating AppImages ...........................................................................................................
Contributing ......................................................................................................................
Acknowledgements .............................................................................................................
The AppImage format is a standardized format for packaging applications in a way that allows them to
run on target systems without further modification. This document describes the AppImage format.
This document is not a formal specification, since the AppImage format is not frozen yet but in the process
of being specified more formally. However, this document is intended to describe the philosophy behing
the AppImage format and the concrete implementation.
The AppImageKit contains a concrete implementation of the AppImage format and provides tools for
conveniently handling AppImages.
Contributors are encouraged to comment on this document and propose formal format descriptions.
Historically, UNIX and Linux systems have made it easy to procure source code, however they have made
it comparably difficult to use ready-made software in binary form. Especially the Free Software and GNU
movements stress the fact that everyone should be free to get the source code. This mode of operation
has worked well as long as the user base of these operating systems was largely comprised of technically
advanced users. With the widespread adoption of easy-to-use desktop operating systems such as Ubuntu,
the user base became less technically-minded and more application-centric.
Package mangers were introduced to mitigate the complexities of dealing with source code by providing
libraries of precompiled packages from repositories maintained by distributors or third parties. However,
the introduction of package mangers did not drastically reduce compexities or provide robustness - they
merely stacked a management layer on top of an already complex system, effectively preventing the user
from manipulating installed software directly.
Other systems, most prominently Windows and the legacy Macintosh operating system, have made it
relatively simple for independent software publishers (ISPs) to distribute software and for end-users to
procure and install software from said ISPs, without any instances (such as distributors or AppStores)
between the two parties.
With the introduction of Mac OS X, arguably the first UNIX-based operating system with widespread
mass adoption to a non-technical user base, Apple blended traditional UNIX aspects (such as maintaining
a traditional filesystem hierarchy, including /bin, /usr, /lib directories) with common "desktop" approaches
(such as "installing" an application by dragging it to the hard disk). While Apple uses a package manager-
AppImageKit Documentation
like approach for managing the base operating system and its updates, it does not do so for the user
Open Source operating systems, such as the most prominent Linux distributions, mostly use package
mangers for everything. While this is perceived superior to Windows and the Mac by many Linux
enthusiasts, it also creates a number of disadvantages:
1. Centralization Some organization decides what is "in" a distribution and what is not. By definition,
  software "in" a distribution is easier to install and manage that software that is not.
2. Duplication of effort In traditional systems, each application is compiled specifically for each target
  operating system. This means that one piece of software has to be compiled many, many times on
many, many systems using much, much power and time
3. Need to be online Most package managers are created with connected computers in the mind, making
  it really cumbersome to "just fetch an app" on an online system, and copy it over to another system
that is not connected to the Internet.
A critical distinction between the approach known from Windows and the Mac and the one known from
UNIX and Linux is the "platform": While Windows and the Mac are seen as platforms to run software on,
most Linux distributions see themselves as the system that includes the applications.
While this leads to a number of advantages that have been frequently reiterated, it also poses a significant
number of challenges:
No recent apps on mature operating systems In most distributions, you get only the version that
was recent at the time when the distribution was created. For example, if you use Ubuntu Gutsy then
you are stuck forever with the software that was recent at the time when Ubuntu Gutsy was compiled.
Even if Firefox might have progressed by several versions in the meantime, you cannot get more
recent apps than what was available back when the distribution was put together. That is like if you'd
get only software from 2001 when you use Windows XP.
In the traditional model, the user has to decide: Either use a mature base operating system but be
locked out of recent apps (e.g., using Ubuntu LTE), or be forced to update the base operating system
to the latest bleeding edge version in order to get the recent apps (e.g., using Debian Sid).
This situation is clearly not optimal, since the common desktop user would prefer to hardly touch the
base operating system (maybe update it every other year or so) but always get the latest apps.
2. No way to use multiple versions in parallel Most package managers do not allow you to have more
  than one version of an app installed in parallel. Hence you have no way to simply try out the latest
version of an app without running the risk that it might not be easy to switch back to the older version,
especially if the older version is no longer available in your distribution (e.g, old versions get removed
from Debian Sid as soon as a newer version appears). This is especially annoying if you would simply
like to try out a few things before you decide whether to use the old or the new version.
3. Not easy to move an app from one machine to another If you've used an app on one machine and
  decide that you would like to use the same app either under a different base operating system (say,
you want to use OpenOffice on Fedora after having used it on Ubuntu) or if you would simply take
the app from one machine to another (say from the desktop computer to the netbook), you have to
download and install the app again (if you did not keep around the installation files and if the two
operating systems don't share the exact same package format - both of which is rather unlikely).
The AppImage format has been created with specific objectives in mind.
Be Simple AppImage is intended to be a very simple format that is easy to understand, create, and
AppImageKit Documentation
2. Maintain binary compatibility AppImage is a format for binary software distribution. Software
  packaged as AppImage is intended to be as binary-compatible as possible with as many systems as
possible. The need for (re-)compilation of software should be greatly reduced.
3. Be distribution-agostic An AppImage should run on all base operating systems (distributions) that
  it was created for (and later versions). For example, you could target Ubuntu 9.10, openSUSE 11.2,
and Fedora 13 (and later versoins) at the same time, without having to create and maintain separate
packages for each target system.
4. Remove the need for installation AppImages contain the app in a format that allows it to run directly
  from the archive, without having to be installed first. This is comparable to a Live CD. Before Live
CDs, operating systems had to be installed first before they could be used.
5. Keep apps compressed all the time Since the application remains packaged all the time, it is
  never uncompressed on the hard disk. The computer uncompresses the application on-the-fly while
accessing it. Since decompression is faster than reading from hard disk on most systems, this has a
speed advantage in addition to saving space. Also, the time needed for installation is entirely removed.
6. Allow to put apps anywhere AppImages are "relocateable", this allowing the user to store and
  exectute them from any location (including CD-ROMs, DVDs, removable disks, USB sticks).
7. Make applications read-only Since AppImages are read-only by design, the user can be reasonably
  sure that an app does not modify itself during operation.
8. Do not require recompilation AppImages must be possible to create from already-existing binaries,
  without the need for recompilation. This greatly speeds up the AppImage creation process, since no
compiler is usually involved. It also allows third parties to package closed-source applications as
9. Keep base operating system untouched Since AppImages are intended to run on plain systems
  that have not been specially prepared by an administrator, AppImages may not require any unusual
preparation of the base operating system. Hence, they cannot rely on special kernel patches, kernel
modules, or any applications that do not come with the targeted distributions by default.
10. Do not require root Since AppImages are intended to be run by end users, they should not reqiure
an administrative account (root) to be installed or used. They may, however, be installed by an
administrator (e.g., in multi-user scenarios) if so desired.
The key idea of the AppImage format is "one app = one file". Every AppImage contains an app and all
the files the app needs to run. In other words, each AppImage has no dependencies other what is included
in the targeted base operating system(s). While it would theoretically be possible to create rpm or deb
packages in the same way, it is hardly ever done. In contrast, doing so is strongly encouraged when dealing
with AppImages and is the default use case of the AppImage format.
In short: An AppImage is for an app what a Live CD is for an operating system.
Format overview
An AppImage is an ISO 9660 file with zisofs compression containing a minimal AppDir (a directory that
contains the app and all the files that it requires to run which are not part of the targeted base operating
systems) and a tiny runtime executable embedded into its header. Hence, an AppImage is both an ISO
9660 file (that you can mount and examine) and an ELF executable (that you can execute).
When you execute an AppImage, the tiny embedded runtime mounts the ISO file, and executes the app
contained therein.
AppImageKit Documentation
A minimal AppImage could potentially look like this:
| ISO9660 zisofs compressed data containing |
| embedded
| AppRun
| in ISO9660 | .DirIcon
| header
| SomeAppFile
1. AppRun is the binary hat is executed when the AppImage is run
2. .DirIcon contains a 48x48 pixel PNG icon that is used for the AppImage
3. SomeAppFile could be some random file that the app reqires to run
However, in order to allow for automated generation, processing, and richer metadata, the AppImage
format follows a somewhat more elaborate convention:
| ISO9660 zisofs compressed data containing |
| embedded
| AppRun
| in ISO9660 | appname.desktop
| header
| usr/bin/appname
| usr/lib/libname.so.0
| usr/share/icons/*/48x48/apps/iconname.png |
| usr/share/appname/somehelperfile
| .DirIcon
1. The ELF embedded in the ISO9660 header always executes the file called AppRun inside the
  ISO9660 file.
2. The file AppRun inside the ISO9660 file is not the actual executable, but instead a tiny helper binary
  that finds and exectues the actual app. Generic AppRun files have been implemented in bash and C
as parts of AppImageKit. The C version is generally preferred as it is faster and more portable.
3. AppRun usually does not contain hardcoded information about the app, but instead retrieves it from
  the file appname.desktop that follows the Desktop File Specification.
A minimal appname.desktop file that would be sufficient for AppImage would need to contain
[Desktop Entry]
This desktop file would tell the AppRun executable to run the executable called appname, and would
specify AppName as the name for the AppImage, and iconname.png as its icon.
However, it does not hurt if the desktop file contains additional information. Should it be desired
to provide additional metadata with an AppImage, the desktop file could be extended with X-
AppImage-... fields as per the Desktop File Specification. Usually, desktop files provided in deb
AppImageKit Documentation
or rpm archives are suitable to be used in AppImages. However, abolute paths in the Exec statement
are not supported by the AppImage format.
4. The AppImage contains the usual usr/ hierarchy (following the File Hierarchy Standard). In
  the concrete example from the desktop file above, the AppRun executable would look for usr/
bin/appname and would execute that. Also, the AppImageKitAssistant (a tool used to create
AppImages easily) would look for usr/share/icons/*/48x48/iconname.png and use that
as the .DirIcon file, effectively making it the icon of the AppImage.
5. The app must be programmed in a way that allows for relocation. In other words, the app must not
  have hardcoded paths such as /usr/bin, /usr/share, /etc inside the binary. Instead, it must
use relative paths, such as ./bin.
Since most binaries contained in deb and rpm archives generally are not created in a way that allows
for relocation, they need to be either changed and recompiled (e.g., using the binreloc framework),
or the binaries need to be patched. As recompiling is not convenient in most cases, AppRun changes
to the usr/ directory prior to executing the app, enabling the app to specify all paths relative to the
AppImage's usr/ directory. This allows one to use patched binaries (where the string /usr has
been replaced with the same-length string ././, which means "current directory"). AppImageKit
comes with a tool that does this automatically. Note that if you use the ././ patch, then your app
must not use chdir, or otherwise it will break.
The ELF embedded in the ISO9660 header contains an icon embedded into the ELF executable
following the elficon specification. AppImageKitAssistant would automatically embed the specified
Note that the AppImage format has been conceived to facilitate the conversion of deb and rpm packages
into the AppImage format with minimal manual effort. Hence, it contains some conventions in addition to
those specified by the AppDir format, to which it is compatible to the extent that an unpacked AppImage
can be used as an AppDir with the ROX Filer.
The AppImageKit
The AppImage format is complemented by a suite of tools called AppImageKit that provide a concrete
sample implementation of the ideas expressed in the format, and that can greatly simplify dealing with
Currently the AppImageKit contains (among others)
• create-appdir, a command line tool running on Ubuntu that turns packaged software into AppDirs.
   This tool can be used to semi-automatically prepare AppDirs that can be used as the input for
  AppImageAssistant. Note that while create-appdir has been written for Ubuntu, it should also run on
debian and could be ported to other distributions as well, then using the respective package managers
insted of apt-get.
• AppImageAssistant, a GUI app that turns an AppDir into an AppImage.
• AppRun, the executable that finds and executes the app contained in the AppImage. create-appdir
   automatically embeds AppRun into the AppDirs it creates.
• runtime, the tiny ELF binary that is embedded into the header of each AppImage. AppImageKit
   automatically embeds the runtime into the AppImages it creates.
AppImageKit also contains additoinal tools and helpers.
AppImageKit Documentation
Creating AppImages
The general workflow for creating an AppImage involves the following steps:
1. Gather suitable binaries If the application has already been compiled, you can use existing binaries
  (for example, contained in .tar.gz, deb, or rpm archives). Note that the binaries must not be compiled
on newer distributions than the ones you are targeting. In other words, if you are targeting Ubuntu
9.10, you should not use binaries compiled on Ubuntu 10.04.
2. Gather suitable binaries of all dependencies that are not part of the base operating systems you are
  targeting. For example, if you are targeting Ubuntu, Fedora, and openSUSE, then you need to gather
all libraries and other dependencies that your app requires to run that are not part of Ubuntu, Fedora,
and openSUSE.
3. Create a working AppDir from your binaries. A working AppImage runs your app when you execute
  its AppRun file.
4. Turn your AppDir into an AppImage. This compresses the contents of your AppDir into a single,
  self-mounting and self-executable file.
5. Test your AppImage on all base operating systems you are targeting. This is an important step which
  you should not skip. Subtle differences in distributions make this a must. While it is possible in most
cases to create AppImages that run on various distributions, this does not come automatically, but
requires careful hand-tuning.
While it would theoretically be possible to do all these steps by hand, AppImageKit contains tools that
greatly simplify the tasks.
Most of the time, the software you would like to package as an AppImage has already been packaged
for one of the commonly used distributions. At the time of this writing, most software was available for
Ubuntu (including software in personal package archives, PPAs) and other repositories. If your app is
already available there (and chances are), then it is especially straightforward to create an AppImage using
the tools contained in the AppImageKit.
1. Run the version of Ubuntu that you are targeting, or an older version. Do not run a newer version of
  Ubuntu than the one you are targeting, or your AppImage will likely not run on the targeted version.
It is recommended to run from the official Ubuntu Live CD (or Live USB) system, since this is
guaranteed to be in a known default state.
2. If your software is available in a PPA or other third-party repository, add the repository to the system
  (by editing /etc/apt/sources.list or by using add-apt-repository).
3. Run sudo apt-get update to refresh the package information.
4. Run create-appimage. For example, if you would like to create an AppImage of gnubik, run
  create-appimage gnubik. This is similar to running apt-get install gnubik;
however, instead of installing the app to your system it creates an AppImage of your app. Note that
the AppImage contains gnubik.desktop and AppRun.
create-appimage automatically fetches dependencies that are not part of your current operating
system installation. This is possibly not enough to satisfy all dependencies that are not part of all the
distributions that you are targeting. Hence, you might have to copy some additional dependencies
into your AppDir manually, until it runs on all the distributions that you are targeting.
AppImageKit Documentation
create-appimage automatically patches the binaries in your AppImage so that the absolute path /
usr is replaced with the relative path ././ (which simply means "here"), effectively making the
binaries relocateable. While this is sufficient for most C/C++ apps, it might not be sufficient for apps
using some higher-level frameworks such as Perl, Python, C#, etc. In this case, you have to adjust
your app manually until it runs from any location ("relocateable").
Double-click AppRun. The gnubik app should run. The gnubik.desktop file tells AppRun
which executable should be executed. You could also try coping your AppDir to the other systems
targeted, like Fedora and openSUSE, and check whether your app runs there as well. However, this
step will be done (with great simplification) later on.
If your app does not run when you double-click the AppRun file, then you need to fix this first before
you can progress to making an AppImage out of the AppDir. The strace command can be helpful in
determining files that cannot be found by the app (e.g., strace -eopen -f ./AppRun 2>&1
| grep ENOENT gives you all the files that are tried to be opened but not found).
Run AppImageAssistant and select the gnubik.AppDir/ that you just created.
AppImageAssistant will guide you through the process of creating the AppImage. In the process, it
checks whether your gnubik.desktop file has all the necessary information, whether the icon is
available, and whether the executable specified in the gnubik.desktop file can be found in the
gnubik.AppDir/usr/bin directory.
If the icon is not found, make sure that you have a 48x48 pixel png file called gnubik.png
either in gnubik.AppDir/ or in the appropriate gnubik.AppDir/usr/share/icons/...
subdirectory (as per the Desktop File Specification).
At the end of the AppImageAssistant, you will be prompted to run your AppImage in various test
environments, such as the targeted versions of Ubuntu, Fedora, and openSUSE. AppImageAssistant
runs your AppImage in a special chroot environment based on each distribution's Live CD image.
Be sure not to release an AppImage that you have not tested on each of the distributions you are
targeting. While it is reasonably safe to assume that later versions of the distributions you have tested
will still run your AppImage (at least if they are carefully designed), it is not safe to assume that other
distributions will do so, too.
For this to work, you need to prepare squashfs images of the targeted base operating systems.
Instructions on how to do this can be found at http://portablelinuxapps.org/forum.
8. Optionally, if you would like to distribute your AppImage to your users, rename it to "AppName
  Version", e.g., "GNUbik 1.0" and put it up for download. Please do not put the AppImage inside a
compressed archive, since it is already compressed by itself.
9. Optionally, if you would like to get comments on your AppImage and/or suggest it for inclusion on
  PortableLinuxApps, a website dedicated to AppImages that run on Ubuntu, Fedora, and openSUSE,
then create a posting in the "Labs" area of http://portablelinuxapps.org/forum
If your software has not yet been packaged for Ubuntu (or if you simply like doing things "from scratch"),
then you can create your AppDir manually. In that case, replace steps 1-4 above with:
AppImageKit Documentation

Create an AppDir structure that looks (as a minimum) like this:
Of course you can leave out the library if your app does not need one, or if all libraries your app needs
are already contained in every base operating system you are targeting.

Your binary, myapp, must not contain any hardcoded paths that would prevent it from being
relocateable. You can check this by running strings MyApp.AppDir/usr/bin/myapp |
grep /usr. Should this return something, then you need to modify your app programmatically (e.g.,
by using relative path or by using binreloc). If you prefer not to change the source code of your app
and/or would not like to recompile your app, you can also patch the binary, for example using the
command sed -i -e 's|/usr|././|g' MyApp.AppDir/usr/bin/myapp.
The same is true for any helper binaries and/or libraries that your app depends on. You can do so with
cd MyApp.AppDir/usr/ ; find -type f . -exec sed -i -e 's|/usr|././|
g' {} ; ; cd - which replaces all occurences of /usr with ././ which simply means "here".

myapp.desktop should contain (as a minimum):
[Desktop Entry]

Then, proceed with step 5 from above.
You are invited to contribute to the AppImage format, the AppImageKit tools, and the PortableLinuxApps
website (which is a showcase of AppImage).
The preferred channel of communication is http://portablelinuxapps.org/forum - please make sure to
register, as registered users have access to the developer section of the forum.
This work stands on the shoulders of giants. The following persons and organizations should specifically
be thanked (in no particular order), even though this list can never be exhaustive:
• Apple Inc. for popularizing the notion of application bundles (even tough others have used this concept
   before). AppImages would not be understood by people as easily if it wasn't for Apple's .app bundles
  and .dmg disk images.
• The contributors of the ROX project, which introduced the AppDir format that the AppImage format
   is conceptually based on. AppImages improve on ROX AppDirs in that they encapsulate the AppDirs
  in a compressed container file which adds robustness and ease of administration.
AppImageKit Documentation
• The contributors of the klik project, which AppImageKit is conceptually based on (with the principal
   author of AppImageKit being the founder of the klik project). AppImages imporve on klik in that they
  need no runtime to be installed on the base operating system before they can be used.
• Alexander Larsson for his work on Glick, which AppImageKit is technically based on. AppImageKit
   improves on Glick in that it uses a compressed filesystem and in that it provides additional tools which
  simpify creating AppImages.
• The contributors of the Python project, which gives developers a powerful tool to turn ideas into reality
   rapidly. AppImageKit would have been much more cumbersome to create if Python would not exist.

Добавлено спустя 23 часа 38 минут 34 секунды:
Разобрался в чем была ошибка
заменил в mplayer.desktop Exec=gmplayer на Exec=mplayer все заработало :oops:
Mplayer for Linux (rev 32675 ,gcc 4.4.3) portable version http://narod.ru/disk/987268001/mplayer_r32675_4.4.3.7z.html
Просьба протестировать. Запускать ./AppRun :)
PS: Для желающих все объединить в один файл качаем AppImageAssistant 0.9
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Сообщения: 309
Зарегистрирован: 14.08.2009 08:59:48

Re: Портабельный mplayer (Linux)

Сообщение minoshi » 27.02.2011 19:28:51

не работает :/

Код: Выделить всё
[user@server mplayer]$ ./AppRun
./AppRun: error while loading shared libraries: liba52-0.7.4.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
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Зарегистрирован: 17.05.2008 21:23:38

Re: Портабельный mplayer (Linux)

Сообщение coyot.rush » 28.02.2011 01:09:26

Принято. Исправление выложу попозже, хочу собрать новую версию из снапшота. Разработчики mplayer выкинули ffmpeg из дерева исходников, а со старым не собирается :!:
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Зарегистрирован: 14.08.2009 08:59:48

Re: Портабельный mplayer (Linux)

Сообщение Сквозняк » 02.03.2011 22:33:55

coyot.rush писал(а):Разработчики mplayer выкинули ffmpeg из дерева исходников
Блин, опять революция, что же теперь в менсодере вместо libavcodec :?
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Зарегистрирован: 29.06.2006 22:08:32

Re: Портабельный mplayer (Linux)

Сообщение coyot.rush » 02.03.2011 23:06:27

Блин, опять революция, что же теперь в менсодере вместо libavcodec

Нет исходники ffmpeg доустанавливаются из git репозитория.
Сейчас даумаю что кроме библиотек #ldd mplayer нужно? Может #ldd ffplay модули добавить?
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Сообщения: 309
Зарегистрирован: 14.08.2009 08:59:48

Re: Портабельный mplayer (Linux)

Сообщение minoshi » 04.03.2011 20:38:44

добавлю тебе головной боли

Код: Выделить всё
[user@server mplayer]$ ./AppRun /mnt/data/flamenko.flv
MPlayer SVN-r32675-snapshot-4.4.3 (C) 2000-2010 MPlayer Team
3DNow supported but disabled
3DNowExt supported but disabled

Playing /mnt/data/flamenko.flv.
libavformat file format detected.

MPlayer interrupted by signal 4 in module: demux_open
- MPlayer crashed by an 'Illegal Instruction'.
  It usually happens when you run it on a CPU different than the one it was
  compiled/optimized for.
  Verify this!
- MPlayer crashed by bad usage of CPU/FPU/RAM.
  Recompile MPlayer with --enable-debug and make a 'gdb' backtrace and
  disassembly. Details in DOCS/HTML/en/bugreports_what.html#bugreports_crash.
- MPlayer crashed. This shouldn't happen.
  It can be a bug in the MPlayer code _or_ in your drivers _or_ in your
  gcc version. If you think it's MPlayer's fault, please read
  DOCS/HTML/en/bugreports.html and follow the instructions there. We can't and
  won't help unless you provide this information when reporting a possible bug.
[user@server mplayer]$

Добавлено спустя 3 минуты 12 секунд:
особо не расстраивайся - портабельный mplayer тоже не портабельный :) liboil.so пришлось доустанавливать
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Сообщения: 279
Зарегистрирован: 17.05.2008 21:23:38

Re: Портабельный mplayer (Linux)

Сообщение minoshi » 18.03.2011 08:48:36

проект заглох ?
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Сообщения: 279
Зарегистрирован: 17.05.2008 21:23:38

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