ideU 2.14.0

Вопросы программирования и использования MSEide + MSEgui.

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ideU 2.14.0

Сообщение Alexander » 14.05.2024 17:21:06

ideU the ide. Universal.

Multi OS, multi languages, multi compilers, voice assisted.

Included MSEgui form designer
plugin fpGUI uidesigner_ext
and sak voice assisted kit.

For Windows 64/32, Linux 64/32, FreeBSD 64 and Raspberry Pi ARM.
Added release for Raspberry Pi ARM-aarch64.
New: added release for NetBSD and OpenBSD.
[EDIT] New: added release for MacOs.

ideU is based on MSEide by Martin Schreiber.

Many thanks to Johann Elsass and Sieghard for their excellent ideas, bug fixes and kind support.

In new release was added:

Lot of fixes.
MacOs executable.
Auto-scalable with screen resolution used.
Layout languages are dynamic loaded with the po/mo lang files and font selector by language.
Fully XWayland and fpc 3.3.1 compatible.
Compiled with last msegui source and fpc 3.2.2.
Russian, Ukrainian, French, German, Spanish, Portuguese, Italian, Romanian, Dutch, Greek, Chinese, Indonesian, Hebrew, Arabic and Esperanto layout languages.
Zeos mse components.
And much more...
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Зарегистрирован: 18.12.2005 19:10:00
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Re: ideU 2.14.0

Сообщение sunjob » 24.07.2024 23:05:35

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Зарегистрирован: 12.01.2011 15:19:54

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